Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Becoming A Parent is a "GIFT" .........

1. A link to the essay

2. Author
Chris Huntington

3. Title
Becoming a Parent Is a Gift

–4. One sentence of what the belief is
"I believe in adoption now."

–5. 2 examples from the story that showed their belief
"I love the idea that this girl will grow up to be a woman and still look nothing like me, but whenever she hears the word "dad," she'll think of me. "

"Now, I want my family to include a little girl who looks nothing like me or my wife."

–6. 1 favorite passage
"When I was a teenager, everyone said becoming a parent was easy — so easy, I had to be careful not to do it accidentally. I guess it's easy for a lot of other people, but not for me and my wife. "

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